- R “Through the Fictive to the Real(ish): Affective Time and the Representation of ‘Real Newfoundland’ in Rising Tide Theatre’s Trinity Pageant." Theatre Research in Canada, vol. 39, issue 1, 2018.
(forthcoming) - R Co-Author. “Accuracy and Ethics, Feelings and Failures: Youth experimenting with documentary practices of performing reality” With Kathleen Gallagher and Scott Mealey. Theatre Research in Canada, vol. 39, issue 1, 2018. In Press (forthcoming)
- “Good Fences’ Scripted Truths: Cultivating Dialogue in Post-Real Times” Canadian Theatre Review, vol. 175, Summer 2018.
- R Co-Author “Beyond mimesis to an assemblage of reals in the drama classroom: Which reals? Which representational aesthetics? What theatre-building practices? Whose truths?” With Kathleen Gallagher. Research in Drama Education, vol. 23, issue 1, 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2017.1396209
- "Αίσθηση του πραγματικού συγκινησιακές διαστασεις του θεάτρου-ντοκουμέντο και του θεάτρου της πραγματικότητας" ("Feeling Real: Affective Dimensions of Documentary and Reality-Based Theatre"). Trans. Nikos Govas. Education and Theatre Journal of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network, issue 18, 2017.
- R “Really Sell it to Me: Verbatim Theatre as Ideal Commodity.” Etudes, vol. 2, no. 2, 2016.
- Review of Shattering Hamlet’s Mirror: Theatre and Reality by Marvin Carlson. Performance Matters, vol. 2, no. 2, 2016.
- "The Stakes of Speaking." We Need to Talk About Drama: A Chorus of Voices Shaping A Future for Drama in Education. Ed. Christine Jackson. CODE Conference October 2015.
- “From Tents to Tempests: Shakespeare Festivals in Alberta.” AllStages Magazine. Spring 2015.
- “‘Tear Him For His Bad Verses’: Poets and Politics.” Shakespeare’s Globe Blog. 2014. Web.
- "(Dis)Embodied Authority in White Rabbit Red Rabbit." Canadian Theatre Review 157.2 (2014).
- "Upsurges of the Real" in Canadian Contemporary Performance.' Think Share Learn Discover: A Celebration of the 2012 USSRF. 31 October 2012. Poster.
- "Unexpected Upsurges." Real Theatre. Ed. Jenn Stephenson. 28 August 2010.
- Upcoming issue of Performance Matters on Spectatorship in the 21st century.
- Conference Co-Chair with Lisa Aikman. Festival of Original Theatre 2016: Staging Realities. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. February 2016. Keynote: Dr. Marvin Carlson.
Grants and Awards: Dean's Student Initiative Fund, GSU Conference and Academic Grant
- Seminar Convenor with Jenny Salisbury, Cassandra Silver, and Scott Mealey. "Spectatorship and Audience Research: Modes of Reception Beyond, Through, and Between Disciplines." Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Kingston, ON. 1 June 2018.
- Seminar Convenor with Jenny Salisbury, Cassandra Silver, and Scott Mealey. "Watching the World Burn: The Rise of the Spectator in an Anthropocene Dusk." Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Toronto, ON. 28 May 2017.
- Panel Convenor with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and Scott Mealey. "Aesthetics of Indetermination: Theatre of the Real, Multiplicity, and the Disruption of Authenticity" Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Toronto, ON. 29 May 2017.
- Panel Convenor with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and Scott Mealey. "Verbatim Theatre at the Crossroads of Community: How “Real” Words Bond, Bend, and Break Social Coherence" Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Calgary, AB. May 2016.
- Panel Moderator. “Headset and Walking Aural Performances.” Festival of Original Theatre 2017: Sounding the Inner Ear of Performance. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. 3 February 2017.
- Panel Moderator. “Acting Up/Acting Out: Queer Readings of Theatre & Performance.” Festival of Original Theatre 2015: Queering Theatre. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. 7 February 2015.
- "A Method of (Mis)Understanding: Metaphoric Truth, Productive Gaps, and Reflexive Practice." Paper at the
International Drama in Education Research Institute. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 5 July 2018. - "Love’s Labour: Relationship-Building and the Production of Affect by/for/with Audiences." Open Paper Panel at the Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Queen's University, Kingston, ON. 31 May 2018.
- "Negotiating Tradition in the New Global Order: What Taiwanese Youth Teach Us About Care and Accountability." Paper
presented in absentia by Kathleen Gallagher at American Educational Research Association. New York, NY. 14 April 2018. - "'You Will Remember": Cross-Temporal Realness in Newfoundland's Trinity Pageant." Emerging Scholar Forum at the International Federation for Theatre Research Conference. Universidad Saõ Paulo, Saõ Paulo, Brazil. 13 July 2017.
- Guest Speaker on Documentary Theatre. Crow's Theatre Docu-Theatre Creators' Unit invited by Andrew Kushnir. 8 June 2017.
- "Resisting Real Failure: Doing it the Right Way(s)" as part of the "Aesthetics of Indetermination: Theatre of the Real, Multiplicity, and the Disruption of Authenticity" Panel at Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Toronto, ON. 29 May 2017.
- "'Everything is True, Some Things are Scripted': Good Fences and the Dialogue of Truthiness" Open Paper Panel at
Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Toronto, ON. 28 May 2017. - "Why Theater Matters? A Talk with Prof. Gallagher." Invited Panel Speaker with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, Andrew Kushnir, and Dirk Rodricks. Women's Studies Centre, National University of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. 22 November 2016.
- "Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary." Guest Lecture with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, Andrew Kushnir, and Dirk Rodricks. Graduate Institute of Gender Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 21 November 2016.
- "Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary." Master Class with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, Andrew Kushnir, and Dirk Rodricks. National University of Tainan. 15 November 2016.
- “Pick a Side: The Role of the Audience in Issues-Based Theatre.” Dis/Embodied Capital Series, Theory and Criticism Focus Group, Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL. 13 August 2016.
- "Casting the Talkback: Performances of Community Building" Open Paper Panel with Dr. Anne Wessels at Canadian
Association for Theatre Research. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. 30 May 2016. - "Making Time and Space for Community: Verbatim Theatre's 'Real-ish'" as part of the "Verbatim Theatre at the Crossroads of Community" Panel at Canadian Association for Theatre Research. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. 28 May 2016.
- "Valuing Variety: Immersive Theatre as Ideal Commodity." Mid-America Theatre Conference: Variety. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, MN. 19 March 2016.
- "You Will Remember: Locating 'Real' Newfoundland in Rising Tide Theatre's Trinity Pageant." Festival of Original Theatre 2016: Staging Realities. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. 6 February 2016.
- "Deceiving You, Profiting Me: A Night at the Theatre" Junior Fellows Lecture Series. Massey College, Toronto ON. 22 October 2015. Public Lecture.
- “Mr. Burns: A Critical Meta-Review on Cultural Transmission” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Fairmont
The Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, QB. 31 July 2015. Recipient of ATHE Student Fellowship. - “Finding (Real) Value On and Off Stage: The Appeal of Downstage’s Good Fences.” Open Panel Paper at the
Canadian Association for Theatre Research Conference. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. May 2015. - “It’s a Love/Hate Thing: The Changing Audience Reception of The Knight of the Burning Pestle.” Theatre History
Symposium at the Mid-America Theatre Conference. Sheraton Conference Centre, Kansas City, MO. 20 March 2015. - "Roles and Rabbits: Theatre Audiences and Conceptual Blending in White Rabbit Red Rabbit." Upsurges of the Real Part 2 Seminar at the 2013 Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Conference. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. 4 June 2013.
- “Conceptual Blending in Theatrical Performance.” Inquiry @ Queen’s Undergraduate Research Conference. Queen’s
University, Kingston, ON. 8 March 2013.